Turespaña's network of Tourism Councils abroad provides support to the Spanish tourism sector by periodically preparing different reports, analyses and market studies on source markets, specifying the segments that have the greatest strategic value.Here you will find all published information on the Russian source market.

Summary Files

Summary files on the source market are drawn up on a monthly basis, providing data, graphs and commentaries that analyse different tourism and economic indicators.

See last summary file >> (Febrero 2022)

Here you can find the summary files from previous periods.


Market research

Studies of tourism source markets for Spain are carried out on an annual basis. The information is presented in three modules: Country overview, source market and tourism sector structure.

Country overview

Brief introduction to the geographic, political and socioeconomic framework of the market.

See latest market report >> (2023)

Here you can find the basic reports from previous periods.


Source market

Main features of the market as a tourism source in terms of market size, Spain's competitive situation and main structural elements.

See latest market report >> (2023)

Here you can find the basic reports from previous periods.


Tourism sector structure

Definition of the main players in the country's tourism industry and their relative importance in the market structure.

See latest market report >> (2023)

Here you can find the basic reports from previous periods.