Here you will find other research and studies, guides and reports of interest, useful for the tourism sector, on the position of Spain as a destination for certain markets and tourism segments.

Profile of International LGBTQ+ Travellers from the United States
This study provides key insights into the preferences, interests and perceptions of this segment of tourists.

ETC Study on Long-Distance Travel Intentions (2024)
Study carried out by the European Travel Commission ETC, on long-distance travel intentions to Europe during 2024.

Chinese tourism training
Turespaña online training course on the Chinese source market, which combines interviews with industry experts with live question and answer sessions.

Technical report on outbound tourism to Spain
Jewish market in the United States. Published by the Spanish Tourism Institute (Turespaña).

Study of the Central American tourist source market (Estudio del mercado emisor turístico centroamericano)
Markets of Panama, Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua. Prepared by the Ministry of Tourism in Mexico.

Main strengths and weaknesses of Spain as a MICE destination
Results of the personalised questionnaire about Spain within the study “Portrait of European Meeting and Convention Travel”, of which Turespaña is a participant.

Research on the position of Spain as a tourist destination (Estudio de posicionamiento de España como destino turístico)
Research from the Elcano Royal Institute and Turespaña.